DC Comics Executive Editor Dan DiDio mentioned Hawkman in his Q&A column over at Newsarama:
(Newsarama) 5: But what about when you end up with seemingly different versions of the same character? The Joker for instance – he's different between how Grant Morrison treats him in Batman to his other DC U appearances to how Brian Azzarello and Lee Bermejo treated him in their graphic novel. Hawkman has gone two different ways...
DD: Hawkman has not gone two different ways. ...As with Hawkman, we were trying to create a sensibility that there might be more to the story of Hawkman – that was a story concept. If we go back to that particular story by Jim Starlin, nothing really changed – it just brought questions up to the front, and those questions will be played out later in the year.
Oh, and let me finish that statement – they will be played out to the satisfaction to everybody who enjoyed and embraced the origin that Geoff Johns put forth when the character was reintroduced. Everything works together.
Interesting! Perhaps there is something to the fannish notion I had about there being two distinct Hawkmen, one for Johns to write and one for Starlin to write. Or maybe the Carter Hall Hawkman goes back to Earth-2? Should be interesting to see if nothing else.
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